Friday, March 29, 2013

1. Susan and Maximus Fluffiness

Day 1- Susan & Maximus Fluffiness

It's always a wonderful day in the city, even with the rain. But this day, the sun is out and smiling, the wind is playing tag along my head, and the temperature was tempting me to shed off my winter coat. I was walking along 25th Street towards the Highline when suddenly, Max, my muse, caught my eye.

Max was beautiful. There was German in him, but there was more to the mystery. He was huge, with rooted long, black, silky hair that faded to gold. Eyes were soft brown like a well traveled pair of converses, yet shining with youth. He was vibrating with so much fluffiness and love, that I just wanted to cuddle with him and never let go.

Before I could stop myself, my conviction kicked the words out of my mouth, "What a beautiful dog you have!"

She smiled at me, looked at Max, and gushed, "Isn't he?"

We walked across the street together. And as natural as the weather in New York City, we transitioned into a deeper conversation for as far as a city block, that lead to their home. She jumped into the story of uniting with Max at the rescue pound. He was found wildly roaming the streets in the Bronx. He is 4 years old now, but when they found him a year ago, he wouldn't come close to sniffing your hand.

"The pound named him, 'Max,' but I like to call him 'Maximus Fluffiness!' "

By now, we have stopped walking. She showed me the new hand shake command Max recently learned, Max proudly smiling when he got it right. As we conversed away, Max sprawled himself out on the middle of the sidewalk, as if it was his home, hanging out, and comfortably leaning his body on my foot. Every stroller that came by, she told Max to make room. Max would gracefully hop up, watch the stroller pass by, and peacefully lay back down. Max was a mirror reflection of his owner.

Her name is Susan. She had straight bangs and the rest of her fiery red hair was tucked away in her Columbia-blue beret. "Well, this is where we live," said Susan. I asked if she was born and raised in NY based on her knowledge about the upcoming construction with the Highline.

"I'm originally from Boston. You see, I feel in love with a New York boy and he lived in this apartment right after college." She pointed to glass doors. "...Been living here for 20 years now" Susan chucked and whipped out her native tongue, "Sometimes, I'll pak my ca on the street and feed meata. Then, I'll grab a glass of wata."

Before we parted ways, we hugged. Even though it was the first time I've spoke ever to Susan and Max, we chatted as if we had a Sunday brunch tradition at our favorite diner in Chelsea every week with Max sprawled out between us.

As we continued on our ways, I waved to my new buddies, "I'll see you later!"

What kind of awesome pets and friends have you met along the way? Comment below and share! The next time you're taking a walk, take a break and say "hi" to someone who's with their pet. Your friends are waiting meet to you!

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